Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty are minimally invasive procedures used to treat painful osteoporotic vertebral fractures of the spine. These fractures, which can cause severe pain and immobility, that have not healed after six weeks are better treated with cement augmentation techniques . With vertebroplasty, two needles are inserted into the fractured vertebra through a trans-pedicular approach, and a special cement (PMMA) is injected to stabilize the bone. In Kyphoplasty, a balloon is first inflated to restore the height of the collapsed vertebra before injecting the cement.
Dr Ramachandran is able to perform these procedures without general anesthesia, using mild sedation and advanced imaging technology in a specialized spine suite – Biplanar fluoroscopy. This makes it a truly day-care surgery and can provide immediate relief from pain, allowing elderly patients to resume their normal activities within an hour after the procedure without bed rest and external braces. If done at the right time, these procedures can even prevent the need for major fusion surgeries.