Spine & Cordruoy

Spine & Cordruoy

What are spinal hemangiomas? Spinal hemangiomas are lesions consisting of abnormal blood vessels within the spinal vertebrae. They are typically asymptomatic and often discovered incidentally during imaging tests. However, in some cases, they can cause back pain or...
Spine & Metal chain

Spine & Metal chain

What is Lytic spondylolisthesis?Lytic spondylolisthesis is a condition that occurs when there is a break in the posterior structures of the spine, typically at the Pars interarticularis. The spinal bones are connected by facet joints, similar to links in a metal...
Spine & Emoji

Spine & Emoji

What is Brachialgia? Brachialgia is a condition where the nerves supplying the hands become irritated, typically at the neck, often due to cervical disc prolapse. This irritation causes pain radiating from the neck down to the hand, similar to how sciatica affects the...
Spine & Orthopedic Mattress

Spine & Orthopedic Mattress

Is an orthopedic mattress beneficial for back health? A mattress plays a crucial role in ensuring proper sleep and maintaining good back health, as spinal ligaments and muscles fully relax during sleep. An ideal mattress should be medium-firm, rather than too firm or...
Spine & Bathroom

Spine & Bathroom

Do you have elderly parents at home? Be aware that a common cause of vertebral and hip fractures in the elderly is slipping and falling in the bathroom. Osteoporotic bones are brittle and prone to breaking with minimal falls, leading to painful vertebral compression...
Spine & Caesarean Injection

Spine & Caesarean Injection

Does a spinal injection for delivery cause back pain?While spinal injections given during delivery are often believed to cause back pain in mothers, the primary causes of back pain are actually something else. The changes in hormones, loss of muscle tone and strength...